This Week In Servo 78

What's up with Servo for the week of 12 Sep 2016 - 19 Sep 2016

Posted 2016-09-19

In the last week, we landed 68 PRs in the Servo organization’s repositories.

Planning and Status

Our overall roadmap is available online and now includes the initial Q3 plans. From now on, we plan to include the quarterly plan with a high-level breakdown in the roadmap page.

This week’s status updates are here.

Special thanks to canaltinova for their work on implementing the matrix transition algorithms for CSS3 transform animation. This allows (both 2D and 3D) rotate(), perspective() and matrix() functions to be interpolated, as well as interpolations between arbitrary transformations, though the last bit is yet to be implemented. In the process of implementation, we had to deal with many spec bugs, as well as implementation bugs in other browsers, which complicated things immensely – it’s very hard to tell if your code has a mistake or if the spec itself is wrong in complicated algorithms like these. Great work, canaltinova!

Notable Additions

  • glennw added support for scrollbars
  • canaltinova implemented the matrix decomposition/interpolation algorithm
  • nox landed a rustup to the 9/14 rustc nightly
  • ejpbruel added a websocket server for use in the remote debugging protocol
  • creativcoder implemented the postMessage() API for ServiceWorkers
  • ConnorGBrewster made Servo recycle session entries when reloading
  • mrobinson added support for transforming rounded rectangles
  • glennw improved webrender startup times by making shaders compile lazily
  • canaltinova fixed a bug where we don’t normalize the axis of rotate() CSS transforms
  • peterjoel added the DOMMatrix and DOMMatrixReadOnly interfaces
  • Ms2ger corrected an unsound optimization in event dispatch
  • tizianasellitto made DOMTokenList iterable
  • aneeshusa excised SubpageId from the codebase, using PipelineId instead
  • gilbertw1 made the HTTP authentication cache use origins intead of full URLs
  • jmr0 fixed the event suppression logic for pages that have navigated
  • zakorgy updated some WebBluetooth APIs to match new specification changes

New Contributors

Interested in helping build a web browser? Take a look at our curated list of issues that are good for new contributors!


Some screencasts of matrix interpolation at work:

This one shows all the basic transformations together (running a tweaked version of this page. The 3d rotate, perspective, and matrix transformation were enabled by the recent change.

Servo’s new scrollbars!
