This Week In Servo 56

What's up with Servo for the week of 14 Mar 2016 - 21 Mar 2016

Posted 2016-03-21

In the last week, we landed 75 PRs in the Servo organization’s repositories.

Notable Additions

  • antrik continued to fix more bugs in our IPC library
  • pcwalton simplified overflow calculation in layout
  • glennw moved the requirement to OpenGL ES3 for WebRender (temporarily!)
  • larsberg enabled codegen-units on release builds, speeding up the script crate builds significantly
  • cengizIO added a script to ensure that we don’t add missing symbols to our Android library
  • dati landed the first parts of the WebBluetooth API implementation
  • askalski implemented encoding determination for external JS
  • SimonSapin fixed a CSS parser algorithm that was quadratic for minified CSS
  • mbrubeck made styles relying on viewport units get computed when the viewport is resized
  • notriddle added visible UI for the <details> element

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None this week.


Due to lack of an agenda, we skipped the meeting last week.
