This Week In Servo 42

What's up with Servo for the week of 09 Nov 2015 - 16 Nov 2015

Posted 2015-11-16

In the last week, we landed 106 PRs in the Servo organization’s repositories.

We have a new homepage,! Many thanks to nerith and lucywyman!

Prabhjyot Sodhi did some initial analysis of Servo’s E-Easy bugs to show how long it is before they are closed - for a large subset of them, it was within 24 hours!

Notable additions

  • SimonSapin added a ./mach run --android to help ease the new Android developer experience
  • rillian fixed our placeholder image
  • larsberg fixed the Gonk intermittent failures - still lots more intermittents to go, sadly!
  • ajeffrey made DOMString opaque, enabling future optimization and representation tricks
  • Manishearth enabled delegation, which allows reviewers to let contributors review-carry their PRs without having to wait for a reviewer
  • paul added the mozbrowsericonchangeevent API
  • nox made JS-managed objects weakref-able
  • David Raifaizen limited the image formats that Servo will accept
  • Michael Howell fixed a layout regression affecting sites declaring viewports
  • Greg Guthe implemented a subset of the NetworkTiming DOM API.
  • waffles made network requests cancellable.
  • Emilio Cobos Álvarez implemented WebIDL sequence type return values.

New Contributors


At last week’s meeting, we discussed our GitHub subproject handling, the new webpage, multi-repo workflows, and the revival of our Rust-tracking-bug.
