This Week In Servo 9

What's up with Servo for the week of 21-28 October, 2014

Posted 2014-10-28

In the last week, we merged 38 pull requests.

Notable additions


These show off our support for CSS @media queries

The Rust website:

The Bootstrap grid examples at different screen sizes:

New contributors



  • Acid2: We’re almost there! There’s a small issue with the nose, any other issues are probably graphics driver problems. If it doesn’t work for you, please consider filing an issue.
  • We seem to be handling 80% of string interning without locks; 95% on Google (due to their minification). Might want to extend the Servo devtools for web devs to improve their performance here.
  • We are working on switching to glutin (pure Rust glfw alternative). Besides being pure Rust, it lets us do headless rendering.
  • Builds on mac will be split now for faster cycle times. WPT has been brought back to one process to suppress some of the bugs that occur when running it in parallel.