This Week (ish) In Servo 7

What's up with Servo for the period of 9-14 October, 2014

Posted 2014-10-14

(This is only a half week, I’m switching from posting on Thursday to Monday/Tuesday, so that the posts come just after the meeting)

Since the last post, we landed 16 PRs.

Notable additions



The above is twitter with Patrick’s ongoing improvements to layout.

This is how Google Search behaves in Servo, with the current work on forms. It includes:

You can find these changes applied in order here, if you want to try it out.

New contributors



  • There’s going to be a Servo-themed Rust meetup during the November work week! November 6, Mozilla SF office.
  • WPT is getting flaky again, in a heisenbug-esque fashion.
  • html5ever, the new HTML parser written in Rust, should land soon. There is still no XML parser; we’re considering implementing XML5 rather than a traditional XML parser with draconian error handling.
  • Incremental reflow is coming bit by bit, but it’s gated behind a flag since the current partial implementation breaks tests
  • November will have our biggest work week till date! (21 people) We discussed the agenda for a bit.