This Week In Servo 5

What's up with Servo for the week of 23-30 September, 2014

Posted 2014-10-01

In the last week, we landed 47 PRs.

Notable additions


Stuff discussed in the meeting:

  • Build infra changes: Bors is doing well, though there are some rough edges that will be fixed.
  • DOM bindings: We need to protect against unwanted moves of Root, another lint might help here
  • Josh searches for reviewers for the Spidermonkey upgrade
  • Some of our tests spawn a new Servo process per test. Reusing a process would be better
  • We’re coming closer to dogfooding, with form controls coming in and with some work being done on the CSSOM (which fixes jQuery among other things)
  • Security: If we want to dogfod it, we should have some sandboxing and be careful with it. Currently we don’t do HTTPS properly (no provision for certificate verification), and don’t keep up with SM security patches.
  • Incremental reflow is coming soon!