
This month in Servo: new elements, IME support, delegate API, and more!

A huge month for both Servo the browser and Servo the engine.


Servo Security Report: findings and solutions

Radically Open Security has performed a security audit on the Servo project.


This month in Servo: new webview API, relative colors, canvas buffs, and more!

Servo is becoming truly embeddable this year.


Servo in 2024: stats, features and donations

Summary of Servo’s progress in 2024: some numbers, main highlights and plans for the future.


This month in Servo: dark mode, keyword sizes, XPath, and more!

Servo nightlies are now faster, more reliable, 20% smaller, and more compatible with real web apps.


This month in Servo: :is(), :where(), grid layout, parallel flexbox, and more!

Plus shadow DOM buffs, smaller binaries, and new SubtleCrypto algorithms (HMAC, AES-GCM, AES-KW, PBKDF2).


Behind the code: an interview with msub2

Q&A with Servo contributor msub2.


This month in Servo: faster fonts, fetches, and flexbox!

Plus initial SubtleCrypto support, CSS size keywords, and OpenHarmony nightlies.


This month in Servo: Android nightlies, right-to-left, WebGPU, and more!

Servo builds faster, runs faster, and gamepads are now enabled by default.


Reviving the devtools support in Servo

You can now inspect the DOM tree, view styles, evaluate JavaScript, and read console messages in Servo!